How long is a (piece of) string?

By Michael Kay on February 09, 2015 at 02:06p.m.

As I explained in my previous post, I've been re-examining the way functions work in Saxon. In particular, over the last week or two, I've been changing the way system functions (such as fn:string-length) work. There's a terrific amount of detail and complexity here, but I thought it might be interesting to take one simple function (fn:string-length) as an example, to see where the complexity comes from and how it can be reduced.

At first sight, fn:string-length looks pretty simple. How long is a (piece of) string? Just ask Java to find out: surely it should just map to a simple call on java.lang.String.length(). Well, no actually.

If we look to the specification, there are two complications we have to deal with. Firstly we are counting the number of Unicode characters, not (as Java does) the number of 16-bit UTF16 codepoints. In the case of surrogate pairs, one character occupies two codepoints, and that means that a nave implementation of string-length() takes time proportional to the length of the string.

Secondly, there are two forms of the string-length() function. With zero arguments, it's defined to mean string-length(string(.)). That's different from nearly all other functions that have 0-argument and 1-argument forms, where (for example) name() means name(.). Saxon handles functions like name() by converting them statically to name(.), and that conversion doesn't work in this case. To illustrate the difference, consider an attribute code="003", defined in the schema as an xs:integer. The function call string-length(@code) returns 1 (it atomizes the attribute to produce an integer, converts the integer to the string "3", and then returns the length of this string. But @code!string-length() returns 3 - the length of the string value of the attribute node.

The other complexity applies specifically to string-length#0 (that is, the zero-argument form). Dynamic calls to context-dependent functions bind the context at the point where the function is created, not where it is called. Consider:

<xsl:for-each select="0 to 9">
<xsl:variable name="f" select="string-length#0"/>
<xsl:for-each select="21 to 50">
<xsl:value-of select="$f()"/>

This will print the value "1" three hundred times. In each case the context item at the point where $f is bound is a one-digit integer, so $f() returns the length of that integer, which is always one. The context item at the point where $f() is evaluated is irrelevant.

Now let's take a look at the Saxon implementation. There's a Java class StringLength which in Saxon 9.6 is about 200 lines of code (including blank lines, comments, etc), and this does most of the work. But not all: in the end all it does is to call StringValue.getStringLength(), which is what really does the work. Atomic values of type xs:string are represented in Saxon by an instance of the class StringValue, which encapsulates a Java CharSequence: often, but not always, a String. The reason for the encapsulating class is to provide type safety on methods like which returns a Sequence; StringValue implements AtomicValue which implements Item which implements Sequence, so the XDM data model is faithfully represented in the Java implementation classes.

In addition there's a class StringLengthCompiler which generates a bytecode implementation of the string-length function. This is another 60 or so lines.

Some functions also have a separate streaming implementation to accept streamed input, and one or two (string-join() and concat(), for example), have an implementation designed to produce streamed output. That's designed to ensure that an instruction like <xsl:value-of select="//emp/name" separator=","/>, which compiles down to a call on string-join() internally, doesn't actually assemble the whole output in memory, but rather writes each part of the result string to the output stream as it becomes available.

Since the introduction of dynamic function calls, many system functions have two separate implementations, one for static calls and one for dynamic calls. That's the case for string-length: the evaluateItem() method used for static calls is almost identical to the call() method used for dynamic calls. One reason this happened was because of a fear of performance regression that might occur if the existing code for static calls was generalized, rather than introducing a parallel path.

In 9.6, the implementation of dynamic calls to context-dependent functions like string-length#0 is rather fudged. In fact, the expression string-length#0 compiles into a call on function-lookup("fn:string", 0). The implementation of function-lookup() keeps a copy of both the static and dynamic context at the point where it is called, and this is then used when evaluating the resulting function. This is vastly more expensive than it needs to be: for functions like string-length#0 where there are no arguments other than the context, the function can actually be pre-evaluated at the point of creation. In the new 9.7 implementation, the result of the expression string-length#0 is a function implemented by the class ConstantFunction, which encapsulates its result and returns this result when it is called. (It's not quite as simple as this, because the constant function also has to remember its name and arity, just in case the user asks.)

The method StringValue.getStringLength() attempts to recognize cases where walking through the codepoints of the string to look for surrogate pairs is not actually necessary. In previous releases there was an extra bit kept in StringValue, set when the string was known to contain no surrogate pairs: so having walked the string once, it would never be done again. In 9.6 this mechanism is replaced with a different approach: Saxon includes several implementations of CharSequence that maintain the value as an array of fixed-size integers (8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit, as necessary). If the CharSequence within a StringValue is one of these classes (known collectively as UnicodeString), then the length of the string is the length of the array. And when getStringLength() is called on a string the first time, the string is left in this form, in the hope that future operations on the string will benefit. Of course, this will in some cases be counter-productive (and there's a further refinement in the implementation, which I won't go into, that's designed to overcome this).

There are a few other optimizations in the implementation of string-length() that are worth mentioning. Firstly, it's quite common for users to write

<xsl:if test="string-length($x) != 0">

Here we don't need to count surrogate pairs in the string: the string is zero-length if and only if the underlying CharSequence is zero-length. Saxon therefore does a static rewrite of such an expression to boolean(string($x)). (If $x is statically known to be a string, the call string($x) will then be further rewritten as $x.)

If string-length#1 is applied to a value that can be computed statically, then the string-length function is itself computed statically. (This optimization, for odd historical reasons, is often called "constant folding". It's possible only when there are no context dependencies.)

During type-checking, the implementation of string-join#0 keeps a note of whether a context item is known to exist. This is used during byte-code generation; if it's known that the context item won't be absent, then there is no need to generate code to check for this error condition. It's through tiny optimizations like this that generated bytecode ends up being faster than interpreted code.

In my current exercise refactoring the implementation of system functions such as string-length, I've been looking at how much of logic is duplicated either across the different implementations of a single function (streamed and unstreamed, static and dynamic, bytecode and interpreted) or across the implementations of functions that have a lot in common (such as string(), string-length(), and normalize-space()). I've found that with the exception of the core code in StringValue.getStringLength, and the optimization of string-length()=0, everything else can be vastly reduced. In place of the original StringLength class, there are now two (inner) classes StringLength_0 and StringLength_1 each of which consists of a single one-line method. The code for generating byte-code can also be considerably simplified by achieving more reuse across different functions.

The main essence of the reorganization is that the class StringLength (or rather, its two variants) are no longer Expressions, they are now Functions. Previously a call onto string-length($x) compiled to an expression, held as a node on the expression tree. Now it compiles into two object, a StringLength object which is a pure function, and a SystemFunctionCall object which is an expression that calls the function. The SystemFunctionCall object is generic across all functions, while the implementations of SystemFunction contain all the code that is specific to one function. This change was motivated primarily by the need to handle dynamic function calls (and hence first-class function objects) properly, but it has provided a stimulus for a refactoring that achieves much more than this.

So, how long is a piece of string? At least we now know how to work it out more efficiently. Sorry this little yarn wasn't shorter.